Why ForceField? Here are the facts.

Thankfully, most blows to the head are not dangerous. A fall hardly ever results in a concussion. There are many sports including contact sports and activities where there's a risk of a fall or where a knock to the head is just part of the game and protective headgear is not mandatory or standard equipment. In these situations it is appropriate to wear Forcefield Protective Headgear™. This patented headgear is filled with helmet polymers to lessen the force of an impact from within a comfortable sweatband.  Protecting your head in non-collision sports is now super easy, as easy as wearing a sweatband. When you wear Forcefield Protective Headgear™ you're doing something extra to keep your head free from injury. Well done.

Athletic Wear and More

When you wear Forcefield Protective Headgear™, it says something positive about you. You want to have fun and play safe. You show your teammates, coaches, teachers, spectators, friends, and family that you've thought about the risks associated with your sport and are taking steps to protect yourself. You wear Forcefield Protective Headgear™ and also think sports safety in other ways.

Designed to be a nice-looking, lightweight, breathable, adjustable, impact absorbing sweatband engineered with extra protection for your forehead and the back of your head. Sized to fit 4 yr old youngsters through to Adults. At pace with the neon trend in footwear, there are two dayglo colors along with an array of standard team, league and outerwear headband colours. The Forcefield ULTRA™ provides 360° of the same protection in 2 velcro adjustable sizes.

Tested for Performance and Quality Internationally, Sanctioned for use in Canada

Forcefield Protective Headgear™ has been independently tested at McGILL University, Canada at INTERTEK Laboratories USA and certified by INSPEC International, United Kingdom. Tested under the same rigid conditions as those for hockey helmets for absorbing and spreading out initial impact over a larger area: the international ASTM F 1045-87 Standard Performance (drop test) Specification as well as F2439-06 for soccer injuries (head-to-head, head-to-goalpost, head-to-hard-surface). The product has been impact tested and certified to safety standards as well as product quality standards - The European Commission standard for personal protective equipment (PPE) ranks the product CE II as protective headgear. The only headband in the world having met all the stringent international requirements to be certified CE II as safety gear. Used in over 15 sports, activities and medical applications. For all ages1.

The II in CE II means the safety component of the protective equipment must perform as claimed: TO REDUCE THE SEVERITY OF THE IMPACT BY SIGNIFICANTLY ABSORBING AND DISSIPATING THE FORCE ASSOCIATED WITH THE IMPACT.

When looking to minimize injuries and when choosing to make headgear voluntary or mandatory, coaches, teachers and parents use discretion and good judgment to evaluate the benefits of certified headgear meeting safety standards. Forcefield is certified CEII by INSPEC International, the world's leading independent organization for the testing & certification of personal protective equipment.

Certification marks are your assurance of thorough testing to ensure both a high level of safety and product quality.

The © Parachute article on standards for protective equipment sold in Canada by sport may be viewed and/or downloaded here.

When it comes to protecting your brain, a certification mark on the product from a governing body is a must.

Effective Impact Absorption, fully disclosed to the public

Forcefield Protective Headgear™ is the only protective headband using a patented system of pliable helmet polymers. It’s what makes it possible for the band to absorb and dissipate the force of an impact so significantly while remaining so thin. 

*Impact absorption is a relative measure and is based on your size. The smaller your size, the higher the impact absorption. You'll find the full public disclosure on the tech data sheet including test data and CE II personal protective equipment standards directives published on every product page Tech Data tab. For everyone, Forcefield Protective Headgear™, will significantly lessen the severity of the impact. A proven product that makes it super easy to add a layer of effective head protection, as easy as wearing a sweatband.

Patent Protection

Forcefield Protective HeadgearTM is a unique, patented product. It is available for sale in over 60 countries, used universally for over 15 non-collision sports, leisure activities and medical applications by athletes, students, seniors, young children and toddlers. The product has been impact and quality tested by accredited facilities including the world's lead test facility for personal protective equipment PPE and is the only headband in the world certified CEII as headgear. The product is sold in a variety of colours and sizes and is packaged using various brand names. TransCanada Network is exclusively licensed to import and distribute Forcefield Protective Headgear in Canada. Other distributors are licenced in countries around the world. Patent and trademark disclosure: pat.forcefieldheadbands.ca.

Accomplished Inventor has made safety and protection his life's work

The inventor of Forcefield Protective Headgear™ has made safety and protection his life's work. Dr. C.J.Abraham, P.E., DPE, CPC, CChE, FRSC, LFAIC, DEE, IH, FTI, PhD, JD has noteable experience and accreditation.

Dr. C.J. Abraham is Technical Director at Scientific Advisory Services Ltd. He has been a member of ASTM International for over 50 years as well as a contributing delegate to the ISO and SPEC member, USA Hockey. He is an OSHA specialist in safety engineering, has a background in biomechanical engineering and human factors and has over fifty years of experience in polymers including their testing for absorption and dissipation of forces in headgear in all collision and contact sports. As a result of Dr. Abraham's expert testimony in personal injury and litigation cases, many products have been made safer.

Dr. Abraham is a chemical, environmental and safety engineer and a Board Certified Forensic Examiner in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Safety Engineering and Design, Sports Safety, Fires and Explosions and Industrial Hygiene. In addition to the Forcefield Protective Headband (tm), he has invented and licensed the bio-lite football helmet facemask. He has over 50 years of experience in the areas of safety in sports and recreation including consulting to Set Makers, Inc., the manufacturer of recreation facilities for Burger King and McDonald's restaurants, Chuck E Cheese on the safety of their amusement facility, ABC and CBS on Amusement Park accidents, Intamin AG (Switzerland-roller coaster safety), the City of San Diego, CA (Playground safety), Microsoft-Kinesiology Studies, Human Movements and Muscle Activity Impacts, The Guidance Group (creator of educational toys), Hudson Bay stores, Canada and Home Depot in risk assessment and human factors just to name a few. He has lectured and taught at universities in the United States and Europe. He has published and presented papers in the areas of safety engineering and design, sports safety, household and industrial product safety, industrial equipment, warnings and instructions for both industrial and consumer products, fires, flammable fabrics, explosions (gas, bottle, battery), plastics, toxic torts.. Dr. Abraham is a member of over 25 professional associations including Member-ISO/TC 181/SC: Safety / Manufacture of Toys. Safety testing, technical regulations, quality control, packaging, testing, packaging, warnings and instructions, Royal Society of Chemistry (London), Fellow Systems Safety Society - Senior Grade American Society of Mechanical Engineers (9073529) American Chemical Society (over 50 years), One of the contributing delegates in the creation of ISO standards, International Standards Organization (ISO) (1988-1998), Member Safety & Protective Equipment Committee (SPEC) of USA Hockey (1996-2008) and a Member of the ASTM, (1964-present).

Athlete Acceptance

Recognized by so many as a normal part of the game, Forcefield Protective Headgear™ is the #1 protective headgear in test performance and sales in the US.

FIFA and ASTM performance standard compliant. Certified CE II. NFHS listed - The National Federation of High Schools in the United States allows all sizes and styles of Forcefield Protective Headgear to be worn by students at the High School level. It's especially common to see high school students in the US wearing Forcefield Protective Headgear™. Now available in Canada.

First Time Use

Quick Start Instructions


WARNING: Activities where there is risk of impact to the head and other parts of the body are dangerous. This product significantly reduces the risk of a head injury by reducing the severity of the impact. It does NOT restrict brain movement on the inside of the head, nor can it prevent the brain from colliding with the scull if the force is great enough. It must be placed right next to the head and remain in place like a sweatband to be effective. Improper placement or modification of this headgear will reduce its effectiveness and will result in an increased risk of a head injury.  This product is not for use in hockey, football or rugby and not in any collision sport, cycling or any other activity where protective headgear is already standard equipment. This product is not a replacement for parental or proper supervision, or protection in place of, proper healing after an injury and does not make it safe to play fearlessly; it's part of a program of playing safe. Avoid head impact. Report concussion symptoms. Concussions are invisible so seek medical advice after a hit to the head or a jolt to the body. If you've sustained a concussion, seek advice from a medical specialist experienced in brain injuries instead of purchasing this product. Do not play hurt and do not play injured.  Your brain is the most important organ in your body. Think about playing safe at all times. Encourage others to do the same.


Forcefield Protective Headgear™ is the first universal protective headgear created and patented for over 15 sports, recreational and medical applications for both children and adults. For use in soccer, basketball, volleyball, curling, figure skating / ice dance, flag and touch football, cheerleading, gymnastics, seniors proactive about falls at home and in nursing homes, children in playgrounds, toddlers learning to walk, hiking, floor / field / street hockey, CAF Veterans with TBI in hospitals, special needs children with balance loss, CP, autism, seizures.  Not for use in helmeted or collision sports unless used for extra protection under helmets of ice hockey goalies and professional jockeys.

Be prepared to play all sports safely...
ForceField Protective Headgear™ © 2025