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directives canadiennes de prévenir les chutes


As we age, we slow down. We're smarter, we've had experience, we know what to watch out for. We're more careful. We stay active. We stay fit. We watch our diet and take supplements to protect our bodies and our bones. We take extra care to reduce our risk of injury at home and in the community. We use common sense and common devices to aid in keeping us safe from falls like walking aids. 

Yet, for other reasons, unintentionally, accidents happen. We lose our footing, slip on snow or ice, or trip on a step. 

Read on to find out about an accepted and proven solution to reduce the risk of the worst type of fall injury, brain injury.

Do we worry too much?

Thankfully, falls don't always result in an injury. However, the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) says that falls remain the leading cause of injury-related hospitalizations among Canadian seniors, and 1/3 of seniors fall each year. The Canadian Institute for Health Information reports that falls are the leading cause of head injury hospitalizations among children and youth as well as among adults over 60 years of age. In another report quoted by the PHAC, head impact is common in falls, particularly in forward falls.

While bone fractures can be set, the damage from a hit or a jolt to the head may be irreversible. We're concerned for good reason.

There is an accepted and proven solution to reduce the risk of brain injury for those susceptible to falls.

What should we do?

Think about your safety in all aspects of your life, it's key. 

Injury prevention as a public health concern, has been at the focal point of the PHAC at the Federal level for years. Every November, national and provincial organizations provide fall prevention awareness programs nationwide and in local communities. As well, PARTICIPACTION1 publishes the standard in Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines for Older Adults. Older Canadians consult PHAC and PARTICIPACTION publications as well as community care groups for suggestions about how to reduce risk of injury by

Take preventative steps to reduce your risk of injury

When looking to reduce our risk of head injury from falls, many look to Forcefield™ to provide a practical solution.

It's not always second nature or even possible to protect your head in a fall.

Forcefield is a headband with protective headgear inside. Suitable for daily wear for those susceptible to falls, it protects your head.

Forcefield looks and wears like a sweatband, so it's well suited for a casual lifestyle. Layer under a wrap and your Forcefield becomes a conventional accessory. Choose from a wide variety of protective sweatband colours. Choose from a wide variety of coverwraps in fashionable print patterns for gals, as well as sharp looking plaid and tie patterns for gents. Easy on-off for best comfort and performance. Hand washable, air dry, easy care and long lasting.

Sportswear, classic wear and more

It's helpful to understand a bit about concussions before looking at what Forcefield can add to prevent them.

About Concussions

Concussion is the term used to describe an injury caused by the brain hitting the scull inside the head. You can receive a concussion by hitting your head, but also from a jolt that, if strong enough, causes your brain to move inside your head. Concussions are not detectable by x-ray or CT scan and their symptoms are invisible. You can have a concussion without a loss of consciousness. Physical activity, mild activity and even activities of concentration can delay recovery after a concussion. It is very dangerous if you suffer another concussion without fully healing. For all these reasons, it is very important to seek medical attention after a fall. Even if there's only a chance you've jolted your head. Err on the side of caution.

Protection and Prevention

If you hit your head in a fall, the force of the impact between your head and the object you hit may cause a concussion. All protective headgear is designed to reduce the force of an impact to the head. Unfortunately, nothing can prevent your head from moving on the inside, so no headgear can prevent a concussion. Evenso, the protection offered by protective headgear does reduce the force of the impact reaching your head and for that reason, protective headgear does reduce your risk of head injury significantly. There are many protective benefits to wearing a helmet, for example, but helmets are not popular for daily use.

Why Forcefield Works

Forcefield Protective Headbands provide a hidden, effective barrier that significantly reduces the force of an impact to the head. Less of the potentially harmful impact force reaches your head. How can a headband do that? The force is absorbed and lessened by the patented headgear technology inside the headband. It's the same principle behind the design of all protective headgear.

Tested for Performance and Quality Internationally

Forcefield Protective Headgear™ has been independently tested extensively at McGILL University, Canada at INTERTEK Laboratories USA and certified by INSPEC International, United Kingdom. Tested under the same rigid conditions as those for hockey helmets for spreading out initial impact over a larger area: the international ASTM F 1045-87 Standard Performance (drop test) Specification. The product exceeds the standard. Awarded the CE II mark for protective headgear by the European Commission. CE certifies every aspect of manufacturing, including test performance standards and the CE II class means the certification includes a safety component. The only headband in the world that has met all the stringent international requirements to be certified CE as protective headgear.

Effective Impact Absorption, fully disclosed to the public

*Impact absorption is a relative measure and is based on your size. The larger your size, the lower the impact absorption. You'll find the full public disclosure on the tech data sheet including test data and CE equipment standards published on every product page, tech data tab. For everyone, Forcefield Protective Headgear™, will significantly lessen the severity of the impact.

Patent Protection

It looks and wears like a sweatband and, hidden from view, a patented system (of thin, pliable polymers engineered to absorb and spread out impact) is at the center of every Forcefield Protective Headgear™. Make sure the headband you buy is authentic Forcefield. It's the one with the double-F insignia and packaging bears the CE or CE II mark. Protective headgear is not all created equal and no other is made like Forcefield Protective Headgear™.

Accomplished Inventor has made safety and protection his life's work

The inventor of Forcefield Protective Headgear™ has made safety and protection his life's work. Dr. C.J.Abraham,, P.E., CPC, CChE, FRSC, LFAIC, DEE, IH, FTI, MS, PhD, JD has notable experience and accreditation.

Well known and respected in protective headgear circles, Dr. Abraham was delegate to the ISO creating standards with 15 European countries and sat on the USA Hockey committee for Safety & Protective Equipment. He is a qualified OSHA specialist in safety and safety engineering and has over fifty years of experience in polymers including testing for absorption and dissipation of forces in headgear for collision and contact sports as well as all recreational actitities. As a result of Dr. Abraham's participation in personal injury and litigation cases, many products have been made safer.

Affiliations, accreditation, experience. Dr. Abraham is a chemical, environmental and safety engineer and a Board Certified Forensic Examiner in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Safety Engineering and Design, Sports Safety, Fires and Explosions and Industrial Hygiene. In addition to the Forcefield Protective Headband (tm), he has invented and licensed the bio-lite football helmet facemask. He has over 50 years of consulting experience in the areas of safety in sports and recreation including consulting to Set Makers, Inc., the manufacturer of recreation facilities for Burger King and McDonald's restaurants, Chuck E Cheese on the safety of their amusement facility, ABC and CBS on Amusement Park accidents, Intamin AG (Switzerland-roller coaster safety), the City of San Diego, CA (Playground safety), Microsoft-Kinesiology Studies, Human Movements and Muscle Activity Impacts, Warnings and Instructions, The Guidance Group (creator of educational toys), Hudson Bay stores, Canada and Home Depot in risk assessment and human factors just to name a few. He has lectured and taught at universities in the United States and Europe. He has published and presented papers in the areas of safety engineering and design, sports safety, household and industrial product safety, industrial equipment, warnings and instructions for both industrial and consumer products, fires, flammable fabrics, explosions (gas, bottle, battery), plastics, toxic torts.. Dr. Abraham is a member of over 25 professional associations including Member-ISO/TC 181/SC: Safety / Manufacture of Toys. Safety testing, technical regulations, quality control, packaging, testing, packaging, warnings and instructions, Royal Society of Chemistry (London), Fellow Systems Safety Society - Senior Grade American Society of Mechanical Engineers (9073529) American Chemical Society (over 50 years), One of 3 US Delegates contributing to the creation of ISO standards, International Standards Organization (ISO) (1988-1998), Member Safety & Protective Equipment Committee (SPEC) of USA Hockey (1996-2008) and a Member of the ASTM, (1964-present).

Adults accept Forcefield as a clothing accessory

It's an easy on-off, lightweight accessory that protects like no other. Will not interfere with glasses, hearing aids or any activity of daily living. A practical, wearable cotton headband and more. It easily transforms into a conventional accessory when layered under a wrap. Equally as protective under a hat, hood, scarf or bandana. As appropriate to wear while walking the dog as for a night on the town or simply getting out of bed. No more worries stepping down a stair or onto the sidewalk. As long as the headband is on, you'll continuously be receiving the benefit of the protection. Strong, hidden protection, reduces your risk of head injury. Hundreds of thousands are already in use protecting youngsters, athletes and seniors in the United States and Europe. This protection is now available in Canada.


Activities where there is risk of impact to the head and other parts of the body are dangerous and can result in sub-concussive or concussive brain injuries that may be temporary or permanent. No head protection in the world can prevent a concussion. The purpose of protective headgear, like Forcefield, is to reduce the severity of the impact, nothing more. No head protection can substitute for an appropriate post-injury recovery period. Wearing head protection is not an invitation to behave fearlessly, it's part of a lifestyle of staying safe. It is never advisable to be up and around with an existing or prior brain injury without first being properly evaluated by a medical specialist experienced in brain injuries. Concussions are invisible so seek medical advice after a hit or jolt to the head. Your brain is the most important organ in your body. Think about staying safe at all times. Encourage others to do the same.



 1 We provide a downloadable copy of the PARTICIPACTION guidelines for older adults below. Or you may visit the PARTICIPACTION website to download directly (http://www.participaction.com). 

PHAC has developed a number of publications aimed at helping seniors and their families and caregivers reduce the occurrence and impact of falls. We provide 6 PHAC publications for download below. Or, you may visit the PHAC website to download directly (http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca) 

Call us toll free, 1-800-747-6882 
If you'd like a copy of these injury prevention resources, give us a call. We'll use your contact information one time and only to mail out a copy of these publications to you free of charge and without obligation. No purchase necessary. Volume reprints are also available for Canadian  therapists, day program and other agencies, seniors residences, retirement homes and nursing homes.

A must read series of injury prevention and fall prevention resources for all Canadians 60+. Free downloadable content or view online.
Directives Canadiannese de prévenir les chutes

PARTICIPACTION - Canadian Phyical Actitivity Guidelines for Older Adults
PHAC -  (The) Safe Living Guide -includes ideas, check lists, fact sheets and tips, as well as a resource section
Stay Safe! a spot-the-dangers challange illustration
12 steps to stair safety at home - a one page reminder checklist
Bruno and Alice - A series of stories 
You Can Prevent Falls! 
If You Fall or Witness a Fall, Do You Know What to Do?

Be prepared to play all sports safely...
ForceField Protective Headgear™ © 2025